
Group members' names are underlined;  † emphasizes a group member's contribution as a co-first author;  * as a (co-)corresponding author.


A. Gleis, S.-S. B. Lee*, G. Kotliar, and J. von Delft
Dynamical Scaling and Planckian Dissipation Due to Heavy-Fermion Quantum Criticality
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 106501 (2025) [Editors' Suggestion]


B. Goh, J. Kim, H. Choi, J. H. Shim
External field induced metal-to-insulator transition in dissipative Hubbard model

S. Youn†, B. Goh†, G.-D. Zhou, Z.-D. Song, S.-S. B. Lee*
Hundness in twisted bilayer graphene: correlated gaps and pairing

S. Dirnböck, S.-S. B. Lee, F. B. Kugler, S. Huber, J. von Delft, K. Held, and M. Wallerberger
Overcomplete intermediate representation of two-particle Green's functions and its relation to partial spectral functions
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043228 (2024)

A. Gleis, S.-S. B. Lee*, G. Kotliar, and J. von Delft
Emergent Properties of the Periodic Anderson Model: A High-Resolution, Real-Frequency Study of Heavy-Fermion Quantum Criticality
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041036 (2024)

A. Ge, J. Halbinger, S.-S. B. Lee, J. von Delft, and F. B. Kugler
Analytic Continuation of Multipoint Correlation Functions
Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 2024, 2300504 (2024)

J.-M. Lihm, J. Halbinger, J. Shim, J. von Delft, F. B. Kugler, and S.-S. B. Lee*
Symmetric improved estimators for multipoint vertex functions
Phys. Rev. B 109, 125138 (2024) [Editors' Suggestion]


E. K. Ko, S. Hahn, C. Sohn, S. Lee, S.‑S. B. Lee, B. Sohn, J. R. Kim, J. Son, J. Song, Y. Kim, D. Kim, M. Kim, C. H. Kim, C. Kim, and T. W. Noh
Tuning orbital‑selective phase transitions in a two‑dimensional Hund’s correlated system
Nat. Commun. 14, 3572 (2023)


S.-S. B. Lee*, F. B. Kugler, and J. von Delft
Computing Local Multipoint Correlators Using the Numerical Renormalization Group
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041007 (2021)

F. B. Kugler, S.-S. B. Lee†, and J. von Delft
Multipoint Correlation Functions: Spectral Representation and Numerical Evaluation
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041006 (2021)

K. M. Stadler, G. Kotliar, S.-S. B. Lee, A. Weichselbaum, and J. von Delft
Differentiating Hund from Mott physics in a three-band Hubbard-Hund model: Temperature dependence of spectral, transport, and thermodynamic properties
Phys. Rev. B 104, 115107 (2021) [Editors' Suggestion]

X. Deng, K. M. Stadler, K. Haule, S.-S. B. Lee, A. Weichselbaum, J. von Delft, and G. Kotliar
Reply to: "Extracting Kondo temperature of strongly-correlated systems from the inverse local magnetic susceptibility"
Nat. Commun. 12, 1445 (2021)


E. Walter, K. M. Stadler, S.-S. B. Lee*, Y. Wang, G. Kotliar, A. Weichselbaum, and J. von Delft
Uncovering Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Hund Metals: Conformal Field Theory Analysis of an SU(2) × SU(3) Spin-Orbital Kondo Model
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031052 (2020)

Y. Wang, E. Walter, S.-S. B. Lee, K. M. Stadler, J. von Delft, A. Weichselbaum, and G. Kotliar
Global Phase Diagram of a Spin-Orbital Kondo Impurity Model and the Suppression of Fermi-Liquid Scale
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 136406 (2020)

S.-S. B. Lee*, J. von Delft, and M. Goldstein
Non-Fermi-liquid Kondo screening under Rabi driving
Phys. Rev. B 101, 085110 (2020)

F. B. Kugler, M. Zingl, H. U. R. Strand, S.-S. B. Lee, J. von Delft, and A. Georges
Strongly Correlated Materials from a Numerical Renormalization Group Perspective: How the Fermi-Liquid State of Sr2RuO4 Emerges
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 016401 (2020)


H. Eisenlohr, S.-S. B. Lee, and M. Vojta
Mott quantum criticality in the one-band Hubbard model: Dynamical mean-field theory, power-law spectra, and scaling
Phys. Rev. B 100, 155152 (2019)

F. B. Kugler, S.-S. B. Lee, A. Weichselbaum, G. Kotliar, and J. von Delft
Orbital differentiation in Hund metals
Phys. Rev. B 100, 115159 (2019)


S.-S. B. Lee*, J. von Delft, and A. Weichselbaum
Filling-driven Mott transition in SU(N) Hubbard models
Phys. Rev. B 97, 165143 (2018)

J. Shim, H.-S. Sim, and S.-S. B. Lee*
Numerical renormalization group method for entanglement negativity at finite temperature
Phys. Rev. B 97, 155123 (2018)

G. Yoo, S.-S. B. Lee, and H.-S. Sim,
Detecting Kondo Entanglement by Electron Conductance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 146801 (2018)


S.-S. B. Lee*, J. von Delft, and A. Weichselbaum
Generalized Schrieffer-Wolff transformation of multiflavor Hubbard models
Phys. Rev. B 96, 245106 (2017)

S.-S. B. Lee*, J. von Delft, and A. Weichselbaum
Doublon-Holon Origin of the Subpeaks at the Hubbard Band Edges
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 236402 (2017)

Y. Park, J. Shim, S.-S. B. Lee, and H.-S. Sim
Nonlocal Entanglement of 1D Thermal States Induced by Fermion Exchange Statistics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 210501 (2017)

B. Bruognolo, N.-O. Linden, F. Schwarz, S.-S. B. Lee, K. Stadler, A. Weichselbaum, M. Vojta, F. B. Anders, and J. von Delft
Open Wilson chains for quantum impurity models: Keeping track of all bath modes
Phys. Rev. B 95, 121115(R) (2017)


S.-S. B. Lee* and A. Weichselbaum
Adaptive broadening to improve spectral resolution in the numerical renormalization group
Phys. Rev. B 94, 235127 (2016)


S.-S. B. Lee, J. Park, and H.-S. Sim
Macroscopic Quantum Entanglement of a Kondo Cloud at Finite Temperature
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 057203 (2015)

G. Yoo, J. Park, S.-S. B. Lee, and H.-S. Sim
Anisotropic Charge Kondo Effect in a Triple Quantum Dot
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236601 (2014)

J. Park, S.-S. B. Lee, Y. Oreg, and H.-S. Sim
How to Directly Measure a Kondo Cloud's Length
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 246603 (2013)

S. Ryu, S.-S. B. Lee*, and H.-S. Sim
Minimax optimization of entanglement witness operator for the quantification of three-qubit mixed-state entanglement
Phys. Rev. A 86, 042324 (2012)

S.-S. B. Lee and H.-S. Sim
Quantifying mixed-state quantum entanglement by optimal entanglement witnesses
Phys. Rev. A 85, 022325 (2012)

H. S. Park, S.-S. B. Lee*, H. Kim, S.-K. Choi, and H.-S. Sim
Construction of an Optimal Witness for Unknown Two-Qubit Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 230404 (2010)

S.-S. B. Lee and H.-S. Sim
Interferometric distillation and determination of unknown two-qubit entanglement
Phys. Rev. A 79, 052336 (2009)